Bitget Card Coming Soon
Key Features
Status | Coming Soon |
Visa or MC | |
Debit or Credit | Credit Card |
Denominated In | $ USD |
Apple Pay | Enabled |
Monthly Fee | 0.00 USD |
Highest Cashback | up to 8% |
Daily Spending Limit | Unlimited |
Crypto to Fiat Conversion | Auto on Every Purchase |
Supported Cryptocurrencies | USDT |
When will Bitget Card be Released?
The Bitget Card is projected to be launched in stages throughout early 2024.
Despite plans to start rolling out the Bitget Card in January 2024, it hasn’t been publicly released yet. The first step was to distribute virtual cards, and then issue physical cards in early 2024, but this hasn’t happened so far.
Their card page for logged in users says: “At present, Bitget Card is exclusively available to VIP customers and is by invite only. “
Bitget Card is a Credit Card
It should be noted that Bitget doesn't offer a bank account with this card, as some crypto cards do, which means you won't be able to receive third-party payments, like fiat withdrawals from exchanges, for example.
Bitget Referral Code - to Get 5 USD Bonus
You can use referral code 4RZFEHGU to get 5 USDT (~5 USD¹) bonus when you create an account on Bitget platform.
Here's how you can enter the referral code:
..or, just click here.
Your bonus will be paid out to you in USDT (Tether USDt), right after you make your first deposit of 200 USDT.
p.s. Are we getting paid for referring you? Yes, and it helps us continue our mission. It's like you are buying us lunch 🍱 for all the hard work we've put into building this site. We really appreciate it. Thank you. 🙏🤗
Will Bitget Card be Available for Residents of United States?
No, Bitget Card will not be available for residents of United States.
To see our list of available crypto cards for 🇺🇸 United States, see this list. There are currently 11 cards listed there.
You may also be interested in this article: Crypto Cards for USA: The Best Options for Americans.